October 13, 1822–Antonio Canova dies

Oct 13 | A Venetian Almanac

The internationally renowned neoclassical sculptor died aged 64. Though born on Venetian territory, at Passagno, near Asolo, and receiving his early training in the Serenissima, apprenticed to the sculptor Giuseppe Bernardi from the age of 11 and frequenting the Accademia Pubblica del Nudo, Canova spent most of his adult artistic life, from the age of 23 onwards, in Rome.

For his work in obtaining the restoration to that city of artworks looted by Napoleon, he was created Marquis of Ischia by the pope, and awarded an annual pension of 3000 crowns. He happened also to die in Venice, on his way back to Rome from an annual visit to his birthplace, reinforcing the Venetian claim on his memory.

Although he was buried in Possagno, where there is now a Museo Canova and Fondazione Canova (also a Caffè Canova, in the Via Antonio Canova), his heart was retained for a porphyry urn to be placed in the frightful cenotaph in the Frari which he had himself designed for Titian, who was therby spared that incarceration.