Published Titles

The Venetian Safari

The Venetian Safari

Four walks to discover the stone animals of Venice and the neighbourhoods they live in Venice, a city of animals! Look up, down, and all around to discover the incredible variety of life-like creatures sculpted in stone throughout this intriguing city. Anna, your...

Lo Zoo Scolpito

Lo Zoo Scolpito

Quattro itinerari per scoprire gli animali di pietra di Venezia Animali Dappertutto! Venezia si anima per grandi e piccini quando si comincia a guardare in su, in giù. Tutt’intorno si scopre, grazie all’esperta guida di Anna, l’incredibile varietà di animali...

Byron-Venice: An English Mi’lord in Europe & Italy

Byron-Venice: An English Mi’lord in Europe & Italy

ANNE AMISON has written a fascinating book about Lord Byron's travels to Venice and his time in the magical city. She has discovered much original material to shed new light on the English Milord, and the city as he found it in 1816. On November 10th, 1816, Lord Byron...

Abandoned Islands of the Venetian Lagoon

Abandoned Islands of the Venetian Lagoon

The state of the islands throughout the lagoon from 1978 to today. "...this evocative and useful study has been revised and republished with an Italian-English parallel text, seventy-five balck-and-white photographs, seventeen in colour showing the current state of...

Forchette Veneziane—A Venetian Cookbook

Forchette Veneziane—A Venetian Cookbook

For this tasty compendium, members of the historic Settemari Venetian rowing association contributed their favourite recipes. Written in Italian/Venetian, and translated into English, you'll find authentically appetizing recipes for 4 people to 400 like Risi e Bisi,...

Venezia è una regata

Venezia è una regata

Una guida alle feste della voga alla veneta in laguna e oltre di Giorgio e Maurizio Crovato, con prefazione di Tiziano Scarpa È un libro storico e soprattutto una guida. È per chi vuole conoscere meglio e con occhi privilegiati Venezia e le sue lagune. Come? Ora solo...