Our Authors

ANNE AMISON is a British teacher and author based in Venice, a city that inspired her recent book, Byron – Venice: An English Milord in Europe & Italy, published by the San Marco Press in 2013.

Author of Byron-Venice, an in-dept account of Lord Byron’s time in Venice from 1816 and until he left Ravenna in 1821. A wonderful read and a great companion for the visitor who wishes to follow in Byron’s footsteps. Includes much original research.

GIORGIO and MAURIZIO CROVATO. Venetians brothers and twins, historian Giorgio and journalist Maurizio Crovato were the perfect authors to document the Abandoned Islands of the Venetian Lagoon. They are also curators of Venezia è una regata (in Italian).

MICHAEL GLOVER. Born in Sheffield, Yorkshire and studied at Queens’ College, Cambridge, Michael is a poet and art critic for the Independent. He has been a regular contributor on literature and the visual arts to The Economist, The Financial Times and The Times. He is also a London correspondent for ArtNews, New York, and founding editor of The Bow Wow Shop, an online international poetry magazine.

PATRICK McGUINNESS is a critic, novelist, poet, and professor of French and Comparative Literature at Oxford. His first novel ‘The Last 100 Days’ was long listed for the 2011 Man Booker Prize, and his recent book, Throw Me To The Wolves, was awarded the Encore Award from the Royal Society of Literature for the best second novel.

ANNA BELLANI originates from northern Italy and taught Italian in London for 30 years. Since she made Venice her home in 2003, her passion and curiosity have taken her ever deeper into the heart of the city. She loves this open-air museum and is an enthusiastic promotor of the beauty of Venice and its lagoon.